plastic surgeon

Plastic Surgery Billing

Plastic surgery billing is complex and requires both extensive knowledge in the field to properly bill claims and handle the follow-up process. To appeal claims and answer questions from payers accurately, your billing team should be knowledgeable about plastic surgery procedure and terminology. Because these claims are often for large amounts of money, it is crucial that each claim is billed properly the first time, and that all claims are followed up on rigorously. We have found that when there are larger claims, it is often necessary to push the insurance companies to pay them, and we are very experienced with this process.

How Does Plastic Surgery Billing Work?

Medical billing is the financial backbone of a medical facility, no matter which specialties are offered. A clinic should be prepared for the unique requirements involved with each type of billing service from the moment a patient walks in the door. The diagnostics, treatment, and results must all be documented to streamline the billing process that comes next. Proper documentation is imperative for proper reimbursement, analysis of the treatments you offer, patients seen, and fees charged.

Plastic Surgery Billing Software

Billing Advantage uses a software program called Tebra, one of the top-ranked programs for usability, security and reliability. From day one, data exchange is secure and specific to your needs – fax, email, etc. You an also aces it 24 hours a day, every day of the week. A software program in itself is just a tool, but Billing Advantage specialists understand how to use the Tebra tool to its fullest and are there to answer your questions.

Tebra also offers an EHR, which is optimized for mental health documentation. It allows for easy note taking, and includes a wide range of features to simplify the documentation requirements. To mention just a few, it includes a convenient treat plan system, checkboxes for note-taking, and a very simple method to submit claims. We would be happy to arrange a demo of Tebra’s EHR if you want more information. In addition, Billing Advantage receives a 2/3 discount on Tebra’s EHR, and we pass this savings on to you!

How Much Does Plastic Surgery Billing Service Cost?

Lost and incorrect documents, mistakes, and disorganization can all contribute to the need to re-file, if not also a substantial revenue loss. In fact, inadequate billing expertise is estimated to end in the loss of up to 20 percent of potential repayment. Thousands of dollars are lost each year this way. Many practices have opted to hire an experienced third-party team like Billing Advantage to reduce time, stress, and lost funding. The fee associated with hiring outside of your practice is far less than the reimbursement you would otherwise lose, thus resulting in an influx in revenue overall.

Get started with plastic surgery billing services today or contact Billing Advantage for a practice management consultation.

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