mental health

Psychiatry Billing

Billing Advantage is very experienced with billing for psychiatric practices. We’ll work with you to set up an individualized system to meet your practice’s needs and get the claims paid fast!

Why Choose Billing Advantage for Psychiatry Billing?

Billing Advantage grew out of our own psychotherapy practice. Donna Whipple and Rick Kaufman, the owners and founders of Billing Advantage, are both therapists. Donna is a psychologist, and Rick is a social worker. We run a 24-clinician group practice called Psychotherapy Associates of North Reading. Because of this, we are uniquely positioned to understand the needs of mental health practices.

We are very familiar with the intricacies of this type of billing, including carve-outs for mental health services, authorization requirements, confidentiality concerns, etc.

Also, as business owners of a mental health practice, we understand first hand the financial requirements of getting claims paid in a timely manner. That’s why we work with you to ensure that there are efficient systems to get all the claims submitted in a timely manner and to handle and issues that arise that could delay payment.

We allow you and your clinicians to concentrate on the clinical work while we take care of making sure that you get paid for your work.

Psychiatry Billing Software

Billing Advantage uses a software program called Tebra, one of the top-ranked programs for usability, security and reliability. From day one, data exchange is secure and specific to your needs – fax, email, etc. You an also aces it 24 hours a day, every day of the week. A software program in itself is just a tool, but Billing Advantage specialists understand how to use the Tebra tool to its fullest and are there to answer your questions.

Tebra also offers an EHR, which is optimized for mental health documentation. It allows for easy note taking, and includes a wide range of features to simplify the documentation requirements. To mention just a few, it includes a convenient treat plan system, checkboxes for note-taking, and a very simple method to submit claims. We would be happy to arrange a demo of Tebra’s EHR if you want more information. In addition, Billing Advantage receives a 2/3 discount on Tebra’s EHR, and we pass this savings on to you!

How Much Does Psychiatry Billing Service Cost?

Improper documentation and outdated psychiatric billing procedures can result in thousands of dollars lost or fined. Begin streamlining your psychiatry practice billing and maximizing revenue with help from Billing Advantage.

Do you have questions about our individualized billing services? Call 1-866-331-3345 to get started today!

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Get Reimbursed by Insurance Companies

Contact us today to ensure your office is getting paid for the work that you do.

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